+91 8826 180 333

Cashew Kernels

A careful selection of technology coupled with adherence to the best processing practices has resulted in high quality kernel production at Muskaan Ghana.

Cashew Kernels

Cashew Kernels are graded base on their size and weight. Kernels are also graded as per the wholeness i.e broken or wholes. Therefore based on colour and wholeness 4 major divisions are :

  • White : Wholes & Broken
  • Scorched: Wholes & Broken

These kernel are then further classified based on their individual weight. 

Typically we produce following cashew Kernel grades:

WW 210, WW 240, WW 320, WW 400, WW 450 
SW 210,  SW 240,  SW 320,  SW 400,  SW 450
LWP, SWP, BB, Buts etc.

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